Date of birth: September 5, 1964 in Moscow
Parents: Valentin Kotikov, journalist, died in 2002
Elena Silina Kotikova, textil-designer, retired
From her early childhood, Olga Dugina was very interested in drawing and painting. By getting in contact to a book-illustrator during the primary school, her artistic learning became even stronger. Afterwards she attended the Moscow Art School where she got to know the illustrator Andrej Dugin. On June 30, 1984 she married Andrej Dugin.
1978-1981 Krasnopresnenskaya Art School in Moscow
1984-1988 Moscow Art College
Professional career:
1981-1982 Study and work as a secretary at the Krasnopresnenskaya Art School
1982-1983 Drawing work in the architectural design office of Gossno in Moscow
1985 Design work in the Kuntsero cinema in Moscow1988-1990 Designer of the Energija magazine in Moscow
1989-1990 Collaboration with the Raduga publishing housesince
1989 Working with Andrej Dugin on projects for J.F. Schreiber, Esslingen/Germany, known under the imprint Esslingersince
2002 Teacher at Stuttgart Art School (Freie Kunstschule Stuttgart)
2002-2003 Concept artist for Warner Bros. film "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban". (Director - Alfonso Cuaron)
Illustrations for:
1989 Y.Nagibin: The Road Accident, Raduga (cover)
1990 M.Sholokov: The Fate of a Man, Raduga (cover, illustrations) V.Yan: Chingiz-Han, Raduga (cover, illustrations) Y.Rajnis: The Lake - Poems, Raduga
1991 V.Tokareva: Nothing in particular, Raduga (cover) A.Esterl: Das Märchen vom schönen runden Kuchen (The Fine Round Cake), J.F. Schreiber Verlag (together with A. Dugin)
1993 A.Esterl: Die Drachenfedern, (The Dragon Feathers), J.F. Schreiber Verlag (together with A. Dugin)
1999 A.Esterl: Das Tapfere Schneiderlein (The Little Brave Tailor), J.F. Schreiber Verlag (together with A. Dugin)
2004 Madonna: "The Adventures of Abdi", Callaway Editions (together with A. Dugin) "Die Abenteuer von Abdi" Hanser Verlag
2006 A.Esterl "Die schönsten Märchen aus 1001 Nacht" Esslinger Verlag J.F.Schreiber ("Arabian Nights")
Dugin Andrej - B i o g r a p h y
Date of birth: November 3, 1955
Place of birth: Moscow
Parents: Vjatcheslav Dugin, actor, died in 2006
Ninel Ternovskaja, actress
1968-1972 Krasnopresnenskaya Art School in Moscow
1970-1972 Private lessons with R.Barto
1972-1979 Surikow Art Institute
Professional career:
Since 1979 painter, illustratorSince
1989 working with Olga Dugina on projects for J.F. Schreiber Verlag Esslingen, Germany. Known under the imprint Esslinger.since
2000 Teacher at Stuttgart Art School (Freie Kunstschule Stuttgart)
2002-2003 Concept artist for Warner Bros. film "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban". (Director - Alfonso Cuaron)since
2005 working on project "Hamlet" for Kindermann Verlag Berlin
Illustrations for:
1991 A.Esterl: Das Märchen vom schönen runden Kuchen (The Fine Round Cake), J.F. Schreiber Verlag
1993 A.Esterl: Die Drachenfedern, (The Dragon Feathers), J.F. Schreiber Verlag
1999 A.Esterl: Das Tapfere Schneiderlein (The Little Brave Tailor), J.F. Schreiber Verlag
2004 Madonna: "The Adventures of Abdi", Callaway Editions (together with O. Dugina) "Die Abenteuer von Abdi" Hanser Verlag
1999 Federhasenpreis, Design Austria
1994 Luchs 89, Die Zeit etc.Since
1989 lives and works in Germany
Ai tia como eu gosto das diversas imagens que tu publicas....sao tao giros =)
ResponderExcluirpa nao dizer que se aprende um pouco a interpretar os seus diversos significados mas tu depois me contarás mais sobre eles ehehe
bjinhos pti =)